Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Yes, my blog is still alive. I've been doing it for more than 5 years now and the trick is to post something on it on a regular basis. And posting something -anything- is not that difficult. It just takes 15 minutes of concentration to translate your thoughts and experiences into an entertaining set of words.

But sometimes you just don't think of writing something. Or you just don't feel like it. And when it takes longer, you've experienced so many things and you've been inspired so much, that you don't know where to start. It's impossible to fill the gap in the blog of these last few weeks. I've just had too much inspiration. Too much to talk about. Exhibitions at the Rietveld art academy, unique cinema shows, spontaneously meeting my cousin after more than 10 years, going to good parties, doing a French course, planning a new short film with director Robbert-Jan Vos, working at Lemz and a crazy weekend where I ended up walking alone at a beachparty in Belgium without knowing anyone.

These were interesting weeks but impossible to tell in one blog post. And because you feel obliged to write about about everything, you get the feeling that the longer you wait, the more difficult it gets to make a post again. So I just start with this very general article. To reanimate my blog again.


Anonymous 5tarvin said...

vergeet je vaste lastige lezer niet

9:24 pm  
Anonymous paps en moeders said...

Ik begon me al zorgen te maken, al bijna 3 weken helemaal geen nieuws op je blog!!??

6:01 pm  

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