Monday, June 01, 2009


Standing at a filmshoot in Brussels

On Friday I was enjoying the sunshine and the magnificent view over Brussels while I was standing on roof of the agency. I was looking forward to my extra day off on Monday so I could have an extra long weekend to party. Until Emily, the RTV-planner from Duval called me. If I could do a filmshooting on Monday. Because that was the only possible way to plan it. On a vacation day.

So this morning, while the rest of Antwerp was still asleep, I had to get up at 6.00 to catch the train to Brussels. It's unbelievable why production companies always plan their shootings at abnormal early hours.

There were two shootings on two different locations that day. The first one was at the congress square. The second one was in a bar. Both were short 5 second commercials for a bank. The second one seemed like the easiest one, because all we had to do is make a pan-shot of glasses full of beer. But then we all underestimated how fast foam is disappearing under the blazing hot studio lights. So between every recording we had to juggle with little sticks to make sure the beer doesn't look dead.

At 16.30 the work was done. This day was extra heavy for Victor because last night he worked on school projects and he didn't sleep at all. I took a small powernap when I went back by train. Isn't it great, such a vacation day?


Anonymous 5tarvin said...

wat deed je met de bier die net dood was ...opvullen of gewoon nieuwe pakken en die dooie opdrinken ....geef mij zón baan

6:10 pm  
Blogger Robin Stam said...

Haha, nee het bier dat dood was gingen we door elkaar schudden met bierviltjes en we gooiden er zout bij om het extra te laten schuimen. Niet echt meer drinkbaar dus ;-)

5:16 pm  

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