Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Write now

Every copywriter knows the feeling of looking at a blank screen (or a blank piece of paper) and it's impossible to write even one letter. I just had that moment. Today I was for 20 minutes in the agency and after that I went to a photoshooting. In the meantime I have to write radiocommercials because the recording is already on Friday. My eyes are tired, I'm staring at the screen but I have no inspiration at the moment. So why is it possible that I can easily write a blogpost in the tiny bit of time that I have to waste? The answer is: because I don't have to write for my blog. The radiocommercials are an assignment, are important and therefore it feels like a heavy heavy weight. Isn't that ironic? As soon as you get paid for something the difficulty level seems to go up.

One of my favorite writers, Hunter S. Thompson, once wrote that he didn't even like writing. It's because the pressure that you must write takes the fun out of it. And when he just writes something for the heck of it, without being serious, one great sentence after the other pops out. That's how he wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And it became a bestseller.


Blogger bobhaarmans said...

Hey Robin,

Je kent me niet, maar ik ben een student op de miamiadschool in the 1st quarter en hoogstwaarschijnlijk ben ik erg te laat, maar vondt je idee met de alarmklok op adsoftheworld! http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/pramila_international_tea_oh_no
Schokkend genoeg om even te melden :-)

3:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson .... i must check this out ...i hope it keeps me awake ...x

9:36 am  
Blogger Robin Stam said...

Hee Bob,

Tof dat je ook de Miami Ad School doet. Ik had inderdaad al gezien dat iemand mijn werk gejat heeft. Haha, ik kon er alleen maar om lachen. Die sukkel dacht waarschijnlijk dat niemand erachter zou komen, maar het hele Ads of the World forum sprak er schande van, haha.

8:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is really inspiring. I write for corporate communications and even though I love writing, I hate formal communications. They're no fun and of course, full of pressure! Thanks for the inspiration.

3:50 am  

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