Friday, June 15, 2007

Ze award

I've won another best-of-the-quarter award. It's called 'ze award' ('ze' means 'the' but spoken with a German accent) and it's for the best work made in the Stockholm quarter. Like the Top Dog, it's not an award that anybody knows of but it's good to get recognition. We got it after our face to face (work evaluation) for King. Our teachers Padi and Tim hung up the best work of everybody and all the students had to vote. The majority liked our work the best so we won. Unfortunately, I can't show the work yet because we still saw possible improvements.

Andres and I made the best work for our classes at King. And we've got a lot to thank to our teachers Padi and Tim. The funny thing is: I underestimated them when they first walked in at the beginning of the quarter. They are younger than the average student at Miami Ad School. Padi looks like he's still in university and Tim is a tall alternative/rock type with half long hair. Are these the guys that are going to teach us? I knew they've won a lot of prizes and I heard good things about them, so I thought: well, let's see.

Later on, Padi and Tim proved to be really good teachers. Not only did they push everybody to make more and more concepts every week, but they were also ruthless when it came down to judging the concepts. An already famous quote from Tim when judging the execution of an idea: "Oh, no...this execution gives me eye-cancer!". And what's important they never failed to keep the fun in the class. It didn't only work for Andres and I. The rest of the class also made really good work. Padi and Tim are the living prove that you should never judge a bood by its cover. I wish them a lot of succes and good work in the future. I'm sure they'll end up being creative directors at a good agency.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoera, hoera de "prijzenregen" is nu aan het vallen, wij hopen dat het nog eventjes door blijft "regenen". Dit hebben jullie maar mooi weer te pakken. Gefeliciteerd.

4:54 pm  

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