Friday, February 10, 2006

On destiny...and funny stuff

My new table Posted by Picasa

Last week I met a cute Spanish girl. At the end of the evening she wanted my telephone number. So far so good. This week my Dutch subscription is finished, so I made a German prepaid from my phone. The number, by the way, is +49 (0)1601624818. I tried to reach the girl with different phones, but her mobile seems to be disconnected. Now here's a really bad coincidence: I have a different number and there's something wrong with her phone. How bloody ironic! We'll probably never see each other anymore, because in a big city like Hamburg it's unlikely. It probably had to be this way. Like some twisted game of destiny.

I believe in destiny. Not in a new age kind of way, but as a rational way to cope with bad coincidences like the one this week. I think life's a lot easier if you just accept that negative events like this happen. It also allows you to turn negative occurances into something positive. The bad experiences I had in Dutch advertising the last few years, for example, all seem to have had a purpose: it drove me bit by bit towards the Miami Ad School.

That's destiny on a pretty large scale, but I also have this philosophy about small things. When I came from school this evening, I passed a furniture shop, where I saw the beartable in the picture above. I immediately liked it. The yellow bear is funny, but the glass plate on top is serious, which creates an ironic contrast. I needed a table for my computer and it costed only 35 euro. But because I have to be more economical than a Dutchman on welfare, I decided not to buy it. Instead, I decided that whenever something happens that directs me towards this table, I'd immediately buy it. As soon as I left the mall, I saw the subway I had to take was driving away, which gave me time to go back and buy the table. So the conclusion is that destiny is the reason I'm typing this post on a beartable.

If I ever meet the Spanish girl again, there must be some reason for it (whatever that is ;-).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha, wat 'n leuk tafeltje!
Echt weer wat voor jou.
Wat jammer van dat meisje. Misschien had ze een verkeerd nummer gegeven?
kus van Lientje

1:01 pm  
Blogger Robin Stam said...

Haha, nee het was geen verkeerd nummer Elien. Die vrouwentruucjes ken ik ondertussen wel ;-) Omdat ik nog een Nederlands abonnement had en naar een Duits nummer moest sms-en, had ik 0039 voor mijn nummer gezet. En toen heb ik per ongeluk een extra zes in het nummer gezet. Ben er van de week achter gekomen en heb haar ondertussen gebeld.

12:53 am  

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